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Favourite Private Kitchen at Dining City's HK Restaurant Week

Favourite Private Kitchen at Dining City's HK Restaurant Week

Restaurant Guru Award

Le Chefeteria, located in the quiet of Causeway Bay operates under the theme of “Artisanal Handmade from the Heart”. A fine-dining destination offering nouvelle Frenchcuisine with SE Asian crossover elements, here you will find homemade breads and flavoured butters to accompany dishes cooked using only organic, GMO free, cold pressed oils, with all sauces and even all chicken, beef, vegetable, fish, seafood and pork stocks made from scratch.

Le Chefeteria 位於銅鑼灣新會道。秉承“精心手工”精神,餐廳爲客人提供非一般,帶亞洲風味的新派法國菜。所有菜式包括麵包,牛油均爲手作,並取用有機,無味精,冷萃植物油。各種拌菜汁及清湯都是由原動物材料烹調而成。

Chef Azmi Plating

Chef Azmi Plating